Thursday, April 29, 2010
G'day, Szia, & Magandang Hapon Po!

Equestrian Gear

Tunic + Leggings Set - www.walmart.com - $14
Statement Flower Ring - Rue21 - $7.99

Faded Glory Black Shirt Dress - www.walmart.com - $14

Lacey Cropped Leggings - www.target.com - $5
-My Fair Lady Polyvore Fun-
-My Derby Look-
big black hat - my mother's
black beads paired with white bow
white tunic (paired with a black sash) - Tara Jarmon for Target - Target
white skirt - Isaac Mizrahi for Target - Target
black button leggings - Miley Cyrus/Max Azria - Walmart
open-toed black & clear flats - Candie's - Kohl's
-Accessory Tip-
If you have a string of white beads or pearls, cut a length of black ribbon & tie to side of necklace in a bow. Use a white ribbon (& do the same) if you have a string of black beads (see my look above).
"Some trust in chariots & some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." -Psalm 20:7
Lots of Love,
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Tuesday Tip: Kid Lit & Kid Flicks (Pick Some=)

(I've only recently read Betsy-Tacy (the 1st book), but I loved it & am eager to read the others.) (chapter books)

(chapter books)

The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall
(I highly recommend this great book for summer! It's one of my new-er favs!=)
(chapter book)

Tea for Ruby
by Sarah Ferguson, The Duchess of York (Wow!=)

by Karen Kingsbury
(This is a Christian fairytale about finding a real Prince Charming, a man who is kind, gentle, & above all, loves God.)

by M.M. Kaye
(A sweet little romantic story about being yourself.) (chapter book)
Cinderella illustrated by K.Y. Craft (Simply gorgeous artwork!)
Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
The Oak Inside the Acorn by Max Lucado (Wonderful story for any age! I think this book would make for a perfect graduation gift (elementary, middle, high, or even college).)

Pretty much any Disney princess flick!
Pretty much any Disney G rated flick! =)
Disney's Pollyanna
Kristen's Fairy House
BBC/Masterpiece Theater's The Railroad Children
Head over to your local library to find these kiddie picks & more! Yes, I guess I'm just a kid at heart! =)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
And The Winner Is...Shaynie!

Saturday, April 24, 2010
2 Sweet Awards!
I'm passing this oh-so-beautiful award on to 3 beautiful bloggers!
Faithngracegirl (AKA: Moe=) - "Helping At Home"
Ashley Nicole - "Bramblewood Fashion"
Grace - "Grace's Garden Walk" & "From the Desk Drawer of a Young Writer"
(I think the rules for this one are pass it on to 3. That's what Jane did.=)
The 2nd award is from the wonderfully bookish Shaynie over at "The Book Blog!" She is one major reading machine! =) Looking for a good read? Head on over to Shaynie's blog to read all her reviews (& yes, she's read ALL those books=)!
LINK: http://bookreviewsbymyself.blogspot.com/

If you are tagged:
1. Post about the tag.
2. Pick 10 bloggers who deserve this award. (I'm with Shaynie on this, I think I'll pick 5, so those I tag/award can pick some folks, too. Hope that's okay! If I tag/award you, feel free to pick 5 or so, too.=)
3. Leave a comment on the blogs of the people you tagged letting them know they were awarded.
4. Answer the questions along with your post. (Omit questions you don't want to answer - I'm all for simplicity!)
1: Apples, Oranges or Bananas? Oh, I’ll say bananas.
2: How many siblings do you have? I have 2 older sisters.
3: How old are you? What kind of a question is that to ask a lady? =) Just kidding! I’m in my early 20s.
4: Do you live on a prairie, woodland, swamp, city or other? I’m a city girl…who loves nature (just in case you wanted to know=).
5: Scissors or glue? Um, slightly strange question, but I’ll say scissors. I love to cut pics out for collages!
6: Describe your dream house. A cute little crafty cottage featuring a window seat, Dutch door, mini balcony, loft, spiral staircase, library, garden – okay, maybe it’s not that “little” of an abode - & tree house in the backyard.
7: Is your room clean? No. Um, mmm…no. You just don’t want to go there! I’m sorry to say it’s quite bad right now.
8: If you could be a movie character for a day, who would you be? I’d say, Ariel of “Little Mermaid” fame. Yes, I’d love to be “under the sea!”
9: Italy, Greece, France, Spain or England? England! A couple or so years ago I went to Scotland for a week by myself (the lovely area right above England)! I had never been on a plane, I didn’t know a soul, & wasn’t with a tour group. Crazy, right? But I loved it! Sadly, I didn’t make it down to England, though, so I’d love to go back & see the jolly old land of the Queen Mum!
10: What denomination are you? (independent) Christian Church (non-denominational)
11: Do you sleep with a stuffed toy (BE HONEST!)? When I was little, yes. It would be very rare if I did today, though.
12: Gum, chocolate, or jelly beans? Chocolate, most definitely! =)
13: What is your favorite book? I hate questions like these, cause I hate to choose! Well, of course, the Bible is the most important book ever & a great gift from God – so I’d have to go with that! My favorite book in the Bible is Romans.
14: Favorite ice cream flavor? Do I really have to choose (this is another one of those questions I hate)? I say it depends somewhat on my mood, but I love cookies & cream!
15: If you had to eat one type of food for two weeks, what would that food be? Pasta! Mmmm! =)
16: What is your favorite Olympic sport? Figure Skating
17: If you woke up and discovered that you had turned into Miley Cyrus for the day, what would you do? Another curious question! Well, I know some of you are going to be like “What?” – but I’d help myself to some of her (excuse me, my=) Miley Cyrus/Max Azria clothing samples (you know, the line she does for Walmart). I know, I know…but some of those clothes are darn right cute. Yes, I said it! =) Then, I’d go to DisneyWorld…ride some rides & sign some autographs! =)
18: Describe yourself in three words. Christian, Creative, Thoughtful
19: What chore do you hate? Cleaning the above said disaster zone which is my bedroom.
20: If Elmo came into your room with a gun, what would you do? What? Okay, thinking fast, I’d jump on him from behind & tickle him till he surrendered his weapon. Then, I’d escort him to Sesame Street Maximum Security Prison…& wait for a call from my lawyer (Mr. O. Grouch) – because you know, there’s a law against tickling monsters…something about them being an endangered species, or something.
I present this award to these 5 "pure in heart" gals!
Jenna - "Where the Heart Remains"
Ileigh Jean - "A Certain Slant of Light"
Heather - "A Hopeful Romantic"
Bridget - "Gonna Take a Ride Across the Moon"
Josie - "Hillbilly Chronicles"
Lots of Love From Your Sis in Christ,
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Think Green!
"The earth & everything in it belong to the Lord."
-Psalm 24:1
-My Green Picks-
Norma Kamali Organic Tees, 2 Pack - www.walmart.com - $8

Cute paired with a higher necked camisole!
Faded Glory Organic Cotton Chambray Keyhole Top - www.walmart.com - $10

Lots of Green Love to Ya,
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Think Pink!
I've heard it said that there is a complimentary shade of pink for every woman - a certain unique rosy tint that simply looks sublime on the girl (there are lots of pinkish hues to choose from), & now that you've witnessed the pink folly from the 1957 Audrey Hepburn & Fred Astaire "fashion"able musical Funny Face, don't you agree? Shame that neither Audrey or Fred was a part of that number!
-Some Pink Polyvore Fun-
This set was created by the wonderful Ashley Nicole over at "Bramblewood Fashion." Be sure to check out her blog if you haven't - so fun & fashion-y!
-My Think Pink Look-
What I've donned:
Pink Silk Blouse - Sag Harbour - Thrift Store
Navy Ribbon Belt - Thrift Store
Skinny Jeans - Mix It - JCPenney
Pink Croc Style Flats - Payless? - Yard Sale
So, are you a fan of pink? Do you have a favorite shade? If you love pink, check out my giveaway for a dreamy pink beaded handbag + more! Click on the button in my sidebar! Remember there is one way to enter & then 3 extra ways (for a total of 4 if you do it all=). Yep, you could have your name in the pot 4 times! The giveaway ends this Saturday!
Remember inner beauty is the most beautiful of all! Make sure your actions are beautiful & glorify our Heavenly Father! =)
Lots of Love From Your Sis In Christ,
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Tuesday Tutorial: Bedecked Bumbershoot

Bumbershoot: umbrella (circa 1896)
As April is an often rainy month + Kid Stuff month here at Bess’ Bag, I’ve combined the two for a fun & youthful tutorial you can do with your younger sibs or any other kids you can round up. =) So, go find a bumbershoot (Love that, don’t you?) or two, & frills & flowers & get busy! Today’s tutorial is from Disney’s Family Fun Magazine (click the link below). Yes, I know I’m a big cheater! =) This does not have to be a mere kiddie pursuit – get going & bedeck your own umbrella! Who says a bumbershoot can’t be tres chic?
“Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.”
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Enter My Giveaway Here

Bess' Bag 50th Post Extravaganza (+ Giveaway)
Bess’ Bag turns 50! Well, this is my 50th post, that is! It’s exciting to think that this very post you are reading is number 50 – half way to 100! Thank you BIG TIME to all my sweet sisses in Christ who drop by for lots of visits here & leave your dear comments that make my day! You girls are great! A big HUG to all my Gal Pals, whom I just L-O-V-E! This special post should be one full of fun & surprises…so, let’s get started!
..Fun 50s Trivia..
Traditional 50th Anniversary Gift: something gold
Fav “50” Verse: Mark 9:50 “Salt is good, but if the salt loses its salty taste, you cannot make it salty again. So, be full of salt, & have peace with each other.” (I have a little salt packet (one of those you get from a fast food place) tacked on my bulletin board to remind me of this.)
Fav 1950 Flick: Walt Disney’s Cinderella (Hard to believe “Bibbity-Bobbity-Boo” is that old.=) Be sure to click off my main music Mixpod (at bottom of Bess' Bag) first!
Fav 1950 Tune: Sisters sung by Rosemary & Betty Clooney (real life sisters=) (Later used in the great holiday film “White Christmas.” It's a funny little song!)
As you can see, I’ve been hard at work re-vamping here & there. I kinda like to think of my blog as a sort of online scrapbook, so I’ve added lots of fresh, what I call “blog stickers” – just for fun little ditties - to my sidebar. I created all of them through a great new site you just have to check out if you have a blog, scrapbook, or family album! The site is www.picnik.com & is a free place (you don’t even have to register (though if you want more of the services you can + there is a fee for “premium” services, but you don’t have to use those=)). What you do is go to the site, upload a picture or image from your computer & then get creative with funky & sweet text, stickers, picture effects, etc. I am SO glad to find this site! My new header, the pic in this post, & my new “blog stickers” were all created there. I just did the simple no-registration method & am happy as a clam about it!
I’ve got some new pages (right under my jazzed-up Bess' Bag sign). I hope you’ll take the grand opening tour & explore a bit! I’m especially excited about the “Girl Talk” page! Let me tell you about it. Each month there will be a new topic & post featured on my Girl Talk page. I’m working at picking relevant topics we can all sound off on. After you read my post, lend your own voice to the conversation by leaving a comment in response to the topic or another gal’s two cents. Our Girl Talk sessions will be a special time to share, encourage, & be real with each other – please keep that in mind (as I know you girls will=). Each topic will last for a month, so head on over & let the girl chatter begin!
Drum Roll… In honor of my 50th post I’m hosting my 1st giveaway!
One blessed gal will win:
-(because this is Bess’ Bag, after all) a sweet little fancy pink beaded handbag (Old Navy) – I hope you guys don’t think this is terrible (or tacky), but this little bag used to belong to me. I took great care of it, & now I want to pass it on to one of my sisses in Christ. It looks new! =)
-Emma bookmark – This isn’t anything fancy, just a cardstock bookmark, but it does feature the new Masterpiece Classic flick on the front.
-a custom-made blog sticker that can be used as a blog button or sticker
Guidelines (READ CAREFULLY=):
To enter simply leave a comment on my Giveaway Post, which should be up above this one, telling me the type of posts you’ve enjoyed most or the type of post you want to see here at Bess’ Bag. New to Bess’ Bag? Visit the archive in my sidebar to see what you’ve missed, then leave your comment.
-Become a gal pal. Already one? Even better! Just let me know!
-Put one of my NEW blog buttons (or calling card) on your blog. Let me know + give me a link!
-Visit the brand-spanking new Girl Talk page (at top of blog) & chime in on the topic of the month by reading the current post & leaving your own thoughts in a comment on that page – then come back to the Giveaway post & tell me you did so!
You could have your name in the pot a total of 4 times!
This giveaway ends on Sat. April 24th, 2010. Hurry & enter!
A Treat For All:
Click my cassette in my sidebar to see all the free Christian music you can get on Amazon.com. My fav is “Time In Between” by Francesca Battistelli – get as many free songs as you like!
Here's to the next 50!
Lots of Love From Your Sis in Christ,
Thursday, April 15, 2010
10 Ideas For The Young At Heart
10 Kiddie Activities That Are Fun At Any Age
1. Fly a kite.
2. Host a tea party.
3. Play dress-up. (You know you’re dying for an excuse to wear that boa!=)
4. Go see an animated feature at the movies (or pop one in the VCR/DVD).
5. Finger paint!
6. Go to the park & play.
7. Visit the children’s section of your local library & choose a few good titles to take home. (I’ll be posting some of my top kiddie lit & flick choices in the near future=).
8. Order a Happy Meal. (You can always give the toy to a tot you know, or keep it as a memento. (I feel like the fabulous rhyming Dr. Seuss.=))
9. Host a slumber party for you & some of your Christian sisses.
10. Get out the old Candy Land, Shoots & Ladders, checkers, etc. & have a tournament.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tuesday Tutorial: Tea Party Treat (+Grace’s Giveaway!)
These little tokens (tea bags in custom-made envelopes) would make for the perfect tea party favors! You could also give them as a little thoughtful gesture to a friend or, I was thinking I’d give mine as a gift garnish for Mother’s Day!
-Grace's Giveaway-
Now to what you’ve all been waiting for: Grace’s giveaway! Here’s all the goodies she’s giving to one lucky reader: a bar of rose petal soap, a lovely rosy tea rest & Victorian sticker, handmade lavender sachets (made by Grace), & a cute cross-stitched drawstring bag (made by Grace). If you haven’t already, you simply must stop by & feast your eyes upon the lovely prizes Grace has in store for one blessed maiden! Click the link below to visit Grace’s blog & see her giveaway post! There are a total of four ways to enter – so you could get your name in the mix 4 times! Hurry, this giveaway ends May 1st!
Thanks, Grace, for being my muse this week, for hosting the giveaway, & simply being a great sis (& kindred spirit) in Christ! I so value your sistership! =)