Sunday, January 22, 2012

Choose Life!


Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, 2012

Facing a choice?  Alone & afraid?  Overwhelmed with grief & pain?  There is hope, forgiveness, & a future in Christ. 

Search for a Christian pregnancy resource center near you for help, to volunteer, or to donate.  We can all make a difference! 

"A person's a person, no matter how small."
-Dr. Suess, Horton Hears a Who!

Love & Prayers,

Monday, January 16, 2012

This Season

This Season

Winter, that is winter-after-New-Year’s, can be such a long, dark, heart-tiring, finger-numbing time. Oh sure, it has high spots like friendly little snowflakes, steamy mugs of hot chocolate with floatable mini marshmallows, & frosty windowpanes that magically appear at dawn… but the highest high spot of Christmas has peaked & dwindled down to the lower midlands & valleys of the doldrums.

If there is in fact a time for everything (as Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 tells us; & I believe it, of course), then let January & February & the remains of this icebox-of-a-season be a time to pull ever closer to the warmth of our heavenly Father. Immerse yourself in the hardy coverings of prayer, reading His Word, & finding new ways to serve Him. Snow melts, barren soil eventually hosts green shoots that eventually bud, then blossom. This is not the end of the adventure, but the start. A season will not last forever.

This Season II

Monday, January 2, 2012

12 Things Lists

New Year

12 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Bess…
1. This February marks the 1st full year of living by myself in my apartment + the 2 year anniversary of Bess’ Bag!
2. I’ve been on 9 airplane flights {all of which by myself}… one of which I didn’t think I’d survive.  Nothing is more unnerving than being on a tiny craft, in the dark night sky, experiencing turbulence with a passenger screaming bloody murder behind you, & thunder clouds lighting up outside your window.  Eeek!
3. I love pumpkin pie + the scent of it!
4. Most every New Year’s one of my resolutions is to “have adventures.”  What can I say, I love ‘em!
5. Provided there’s no passengers, I always sing along with the car radio.
6. I wore a fancy ball gown on New Year’s Eve {only I was having a solo celebration @ my apartment – so no one got to see}. =)
7. I work in an inner city area. 
8. {I hate to admit this.}  I’ve never turned on the stove in my apartment!  Yep, I’m not gifted in cookery.
9. I wear glasses!
10. I live literally less than a minute’s drive away from my church.
11. I bought a new {to me} car in December, cause my other one was duck taped together & considered “undrivable.”  Ha!  Undrivable, you say?  I drove it!
12. At night when I can’t sleep, I like to think up the perfect baby names. =)
12 of my New Year’s Resolutions…
1. have adventures =)
2. eat breakfast daily
3. defeat worry
4. read, write, create more
5. take more walks, strolls, hikes
6. do new {good} things
7. take healthy chances & make sweet wishes – praying always
8. give more hugs
9. do my heavenly Daddy’s will & be a blessing in His Name
10. surprise people
11. continue to read the Word & memorize parts
12. give it all {what ifs, work, love, all the in-between} over to my Lord & leave it in His great hands
12 Things to Remember in 2012…
1. You are beautiful.  God’s the best artist & your manufacturer… handmade with love & care.
2. You don’t have to have a boyfriend to feel happy & fulfilled.  You do have to have a relationship with Jesus.
3. If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, all your sins have been forgiven & you are brand new.
4. Be full of truth.
5. Physical intimacy is worth the wait… not to mention God’s plan.
6. Be careful what you let your mind dwell on… make it pure & God pleasing.
7. You can make a true difference for God right now {at your age; right where you are}.
8. The devil lies… a lot {it’s his native tongue}.  It’s hard cause he’s sneaky, but don’t believe ‘em!
9. Valleys don’t last forever.  Just keep moving.
10. You don’t have to be perfect.  I repeat, you don’t have to be purfect perfect {& can’t, I might add}.
11. Joy is a choice {no matter your circumstances}.
12. This life is tough, but God will never leave you!   

Love for the New Year {2012},