Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Big Flood

I've missed you guys!   My life has been icky for a while here lately.  About three weeks ago I came home from work to ice right outside my front door {never a good sign}.  It looked as if it had gushed from inside & froze once it reached the doormat area... when I opened the door I witnessed that it had done just that.  I was standing in water inside my apartment!

This ice bucket was over half full of yellowy water from the mess, & my chalkboard sign stating, "happy 2014 - the best is yet to be" was smeared down the middle from the dripping {not a great start to the year}.

There was literally water standing in every room of my apartment, which meant anything on the ground was at best wet, & at worst ruined.  Thankfully I have renter's insurance, but still it's a nightmare of a situation.  Since all this has happened I've moved to a new apartment complex & let's just say my old apartment people aren't very happy about this & want me to pay a huge fine.  Please pray for me, sweet sisters!  I just want to see January gone & this fine business settled without too much drama.  I know God's with me, but He must be wearing waterproof boots!

Love Through the Mess,


  1. Aw, you poor poor dear! I'll be praying for you, sweet sis!

    Love you bunches,

  2. oh my gosh!
    they want you to pay a fine??!!
    ummmm no. they need to repay you for the damage done to your stuff, etc and realize that you wanted out of your lease early.
    was it a water pipe break? i'm guessing so with the amount of water you described!


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