Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Remembering Truths


I've been cleaning up piles of mail that I hid away in plastic bags {hoping it would somehow magically transform into something else - I'm thinking flowers, Greek yogurt, Anthropologie gift cards... something good}.  But, nope.  It just doesn't work that way.  Note to younger selves reading this: don't let junk mail accumulate into mountains - even when your mom gives you a pile of it every time you visit cause some of it still comes to that address, too - &, no, you'd rather not apply for ten zillion credit card offers, so you begin to not even open em - ahem!}.  Amidst all of my paper trash were lots of old journals, too, which I'm not trashing.  One of which was opened to a page with scribbled words prancing around on it.  I read it.  It helped me.  It felt good & like a "God thing," cause we all need encouragement & reminding - & I especially needed it right then.  I hope it helps you, too.  Remember.

Dear Father,

Please grant me the strength to take up my cross each day.  My lips are so eager to complain.  The enemy tells me I've gotten farther, not closer.  Guide my feet & may they trod ever closer to You.  This life gets so weary & lonely, but let me continue my path through Your strength ever present in me.  I look to You for each breath.  I lean on You with each step.  Forgive me for my complaints & for when I fall down & fall short.  I know that You love me still & that Jesus' blood covers my sins... every single one - big & small.  Help me to seek Your face daily & Your will until the moment You take me home... & I will see that all that weary travel was well spent.  I exalt Your Name dear Father, God.

In Jesus' sweet Name, Amen.

Thanks for sharing an intimate peek into my journal & prayer life.  I love you & God does, too!  We're going to make it through this life with His strength!

Love for the Journey,

P.S.: I also unearthed this note on a slip of paper; I remember writing it in a Sunday school class when we were asked to put a Bible verse in our own words {I can't remember (& haven't really attempted to figure out which one it was - bonus points if you figure it out=)}...

So, for the sake & cause of Christ, I will have blind joyful hope in all trials, wrongful accusations, cruel leaders, failures, deaths, illness - when I am in such tempests - You are perfectly strong.

P.P.S.: This, too...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bess,

    I loved reading your post today, and valued the opportunity to be encouraged by a journal entry that means so much. What a blessing. Thank you.


Hey! Thanks so much for stopping by Bess' Bag - I love these "little visits!" Feel free to leave your respectful insight here... =)