Good day everyone. I am taking time out from posting on my blog today and posting for Bess. I have to admit this whole guest blog idea makes me feel rather like a rockstar...I feel as though I should be making some diva-style demands! But I won't do that...well not today at least.
I found this Blogtember Challenge truly wonderful, I have come across so many people that I have a lot in common with. A wonderful long distance friendship will now be in place between Bess and I, and for this I am so very thankful.
She is a lovely lady. So very kind and sweet.
But onto the task at hand eh?! Go forth into the breach so they say.
I thought I would share some things with you all that I have on my mind of late.
There was a prompt a week or so ago about what inspires us, and at the time all my brain focused on was in a blogging sense. But after having time to meditate on it so to speak, I would like to share with you about my late father.
Stephen James Ward - died February 17th 1990 aged 30.
I was 4 when my father died.
Whenever people used to ask me what happened to him, they always assume it was an illness..this is not so.
I remember pieces from that day.
But to be honest I have repressed quite a lot.
On that day my dad, mum 2 brothers and I were travelling home on the motorway.
Whilst doing so an accident occurred between several cars. Without thinking dad stopped and went to help.
There were 2 women and a baby stuck in a vehicle.
What I remember is my mum coming to the car to retrieve a blanket, I remember seeing blue flashing lights.
I remember being driven away in a police car.
My father inspires me for many reasons.
He is a hero to me and always will be.
He gave his life to save others.
I may have lost dad, but others got to live.
There are some things about me that people assume when they meet me.
They assume that I want pity - this is not so, all I want is for people to understand that although there may be a lot of hatred in the world, there is always a diamond shining in the darkness.
I have talked on numerous occasions about the pain that comes with bullying and depression - again people think I want attention. This is not so. I personally feel that both of these topics have a stigma and need to be talked about. Children and adults alike need to understand and believe that they are not worthless. They are loved. If nobody else will, I will be there for anyone who needs help.
I am a compassionate person. It's safe to say sometimes I may put my emotions into things a tad too much. but do you know what, sometimes it is ok to do this.
Yes, I am british. Yes, I have emotions! We are not all about the stiff upper lip :-)
Although I may not feel like being cheerful sometimes, I would rather make someone else happy. Other peoples joy and happiness is so important to me.
I am one of those people who can hide their feelings and emotions very well when I need too. But if someone is in pain, I need to help.
"I wear my heart on my sleeve," thank you Shakespeare!
Lets end in a cheery fashion shall we - check this out -
only 2% of the world has red hair so I am basically a majestic unicorn!!
Thank you all for reading today. I hope you get a chance to check out the rest of my blog, when you pop on over to see Bess' post.
Have a therapeutic Thursday...and remember it's Friday tomorrow!!
So have a dance around and get that Friday feeling lovely people.