Friday, September 26, 2014

Not Who I Was {But Perpetually Becoming}


I know this much: I’m not who I am when I first began. Do you ever wonder if you are growing better or worse – as if it’s something you can measure like skinny pencil lines slowly traveling up the wall each year to mark the growth? I’ve learned - & I keep relearning in my foolish humanity style – that so many of life’s lessons are lessons that take a lifetime. I don’t know why they don’t stick… things like God is faithful; He will take care of you, so fear not; Jesus’ blood is enough to wash away your sins; He has a good plan. Even though these utter Truths are memorized & head-knowledge, when illness comes & jobs are lost; when families fall apart & natural disasters take lives; when evil seems to triumph & aloneness stifles the heart; when mistakes are made for the umpteenth time & the devil prowls… we forget what we know & have to relearn. I pray that I can grow steadfast & make these Truths more “heart” knowledge, & that when I forget I will be gently reminded through opening The Word & uttering the tiny prayer of, “Father, help me.” It is only through His strength. He knows the unbelief of His people since Adam & Eve & the grumbling Israelites & to today when I forget. He has always been faithful & He does not change. He is steadfast. Keep learning the Truths that the world tries to dilute & wash away – they will remain, whether you choose to believe or not. Though I pray you believe, dear one, & remember the Truth that has won the victory! I am not who I was a year ago, but I’m seeking to grow in the lessons that take a lifetime to be lived out unto the glory of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Truth & Love,


1 comment:

  1. Love your post, as always.Loved the line, "so many of life’s lessons are lessons that take a lifetime"'s so true, as is your realisation that 'steadfastness' can be a faithful guide. Thank you.


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