Monday, September 17, 2012

Hello Out There

I'm sorta uncertain about Bess' Bag right now.  Should I continue with the blog?  Should I rename the blog?  Should I start a new blog?  These are some of the questions that are plaguing me.  I haven't had many comments lately {which I know shouldn't be the main reason I blog, but it is nice to hear that someone is enjoying or benefiting from what you're doing}.  Plus, I've had a poll in the sidebar for a few days & not one single vote.  So, I'm thinking about what I should do {& praying too}.  If you're out there & have any suggestions - I'm open.



  1. Hi Bess!
    I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy reading your blog; sometimes I just don't take the time to comment--sorry! I'll try to be better about that. But really, it should come down to whether or not YOU still want to blog!
    Love in Christ,

  2. *Hugs*
    As a blogger, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I've been struggling with many of the same questions lately, feeling like it's silly to put so much work into a blog post read by very few people.
    One thing that keeps me going though, is knowing that I have one little space on the internet that could possibly make a huge change in our culture. It opens evangelism possibilities to people all over the world. Pretty cool!
    As for whether or not you should continue your blog, that is your choice not mine. Follow your heart on this one.
    I think you should keep the name though! It, along with your design is super cute. It was actually one of the first things that got me hooked on your blog.
    Jeff Goins has some great advice on writing and blogging at He actually started a brand new blog that became much more successful than his first. He's all about reinvention.
    I truly love what you're doing now, but I think you might enjoy some of his ideas.


Hey! Thanks so much for stopping by Bess' Bag - I love these "little visits!" Feel free to leave your respectful insight here... =)