Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday Tip: Color!

Having a stressful day? Well, after you bring all your stresses to God (& leave them there – no picking them back up after “amen”=), why not dig out your Crayolas & an old coloring book? Yep, you heard me right! Why not color? You remember that activity from your youth don’t ya? Coloring just might bring some relaxation to you. While you color you might want to thank God for all the amazing colors, hues, & tints He’s created for us to enjoy! I for one am glad for our rainbow spectrum! =) Don’t have a coloring book lying around (or just want a new one)? Get thee to the Dollar Tree & pick one out. Don’t forget to smile at the cashier when she looks at your purchase questioningly. Think of that $1 as an investment in your “young at heart” status.

Alice by Bess


  1. I love that "no picking them back up after “amen”"! And the colouring books! I've still got a massive, unfinished Barbie one, so maybe today's the day to finish it...

    As for thanking God for colour, I'm thankful that God has given me eyes to see it :)


  2. I love that "thankful that God has given me eyes to see" bit! That seems even better than the gift of colors - I hadn't thought of that! =) Thanks for leaving your comment! I hope Barbie gets some color soon!
    With Christian Love,

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS! I like the sense of humor! Anyway, I tagged you! The questions are at my blog.

  4. Hi, Bess!!! I have not "talked" to you in awhile, and just wanted to leave a little note to say hi!!!
    Hope that you are having a wonderful day!!!
    Sisters in Christ,

  5. Just leaving another note saying "hi," to my gal pal. Hope that you are having a Sunny Sunday where you live (because it is dreary weather over here:)


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