Monday, May 17, 2010

Sunshine Sisters + Blue-ness!

The literary all-star, Shaynie, who is just plain bookish to the core (which I love & admire=), presented me with the Sunshine Award. Thanks so much, Shaynie!

I pass this on to these blogging rays of sunshine:

Grace - "Grace's Garden Walk"

Jenna - "Where the Heart Remains"

Moe - "Helping at Home"

Amber - "Taking Life One Step at a Time"


The sweet Samarah over at "Samarah's Sayings" presented me with this "Blue Award." Thanks, know I just love that name! =) I love your profile picture of the moment, too! When I 1st saw it I did a double take! Go to her blog & check it out! =)

Rules: For the award, answer the 10 questions your tagger has made up, make up 10 of your own, and award 6 other bloggers!

Samarah asked…
1. Favorite board game?
The Uncle Wiggily Board Game (It's based on this old kids series of the same name that my dad always read us.)
2. Favorite Female singer? Can I tell you 3? Francesca Battistelli, Ginny Owens, JJ Heller, Britt Nicole (oh goodness, that’s 4=)
3. Have you ever wanted to have a twin? Hmmm… I don’t know - maybe sometime. I think the twin-thing is cool, but I think I like being solitary.
4. Do you have anything really exciting planned for this summer? I’m thinking about taking a trip to England to see the Cotswolds, London, & more – but I don’t have any firm plans, so who knows what’s in store? God. Yep. I can’t wait to see…
5. How long have you been blogging? blogging since Feb. 15, 2010 (the day after Valentine’s Day=)
6. What do you want to do " when you grow up"? live God’s adventures & purpose He has for me
7. What is your favorite subject in school? art or literature
8.Would you say that you are the kind of person that likes to stick to the rules and stay safe or the kind of person who likes to stray away from the rules and have adventures ;)? I’m not a rule (as in law) breaker, but I do love adventures…if you mean breaking “rules” like people’s conceived notions kinda thing, then yes.
9. Favorite dessert? ice cream (I scream for it=)
10. Favorite month of the year? November

I ask…
1. Have you ever swam in the sea?
2. What’s your fav book of the Bible?
3. Do you have a favorite baby name for a boy &/or girl? Tell us!
4. Where’s your favorite place? Can be specific or general…
5. When & why did you become a Christian?
6. Name a fav movie.
7. What’s something in your closet/wardrobe you love?
8. Tell us something interesting, wacky, or unusual about yourself.
9. Which is your fav: Psalms or Proverbs?
10. Have you ever dreamed of being a princess?

I award...

Grace - "Grace's Garden Walk"

Moe - "Helping at Home"

Celine - "Iradessa"

Josie - "Hillbilly Chronicles"

Allison Elizabeth - "Girl of the Prairie"

Josie - "The Many Adventures of a Country Girl"

If any of you above are too busy, etc. to accept this award at the moment I totally understand, so don't sweat it! =)




  1. Awwww, thank you so much, Bess! You are a sweet friend! Glad to hear you are faring well to-day! I will post about the awards soon. I really like the first award:)
    Love ya'

  2. Thanks a ton! It was really sweet of you :)
    Love ya,

  3. You deserve the sunshine award, Bess. Your blog posts are a bright spot in my day!!!


  4. Thank you for awarding me! I can't wait to do 'The Blue Award'. That looks like a lot of fun!


  5. Thank you for awarding me, dear friend! You are so sweet! :)


Hey! Thanks so much for stopping by Bess' Bag - I love these "little visits!" Feel free to leave your respectful insight here... =)