Thursday, March 25, 2010

Jump Ship! (& 30!)

Well, this is my 30th post. Already? Really? Time flies, doesn’t it? And I’ve got 32 Gal Pals who are so incredibly wonderful! =) Yes, you! Thanks to all my readers & Pals – you gals are all so great! =) Thank you, thank you!

So, for my 30th post (& my 32 Pals), I have something special in store… Pop some popcorn & grab a cold (or warm) drink & sit back & enjoy the show.

I LOVE this episode in “The Stranger” series. The series (& there’s a couple movies, too) involve characters in present day that meet a stranger who just happens to be… Wait, should I be giving this much away… I don’t think so. I’ll just let you find out for yourself. My favorite part is at the end – I won’t describe it, cause when you see it I think you’ll know. This particular episode is called “Walk on Water” & is about 30 min. I recommend watching it from beginning to end – otherwise you might get confused. No cheating, here. Enjoy & remember that part at the end –when you’re scared, or low, or just uncertain. Yep, you never get to big for that! Love you girls!

I’m throwing in this music video, too.
It just seemed the perfect ending.


Back Story: Jesus has just fed 5,000 folks with just 5 loaves & 2 fish (& you thought your mom could stretch a meal)! He’s sent his disciples on ahead in a boat now that the feasting’s done with (& there were leftovers!). Jesus goes up a mountain side to pray alone. The disciples are in the boat (a good distance from shore) & it’s being tossed about in the waves & wind. At nighttime, Jesus walks out to them on the water & they think He’s a ghost! The disciples are scared silly! (Matthew 14:13-26)

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water & came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid &, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out His hand & caught him. “You of little faith,” He said, “why did you doubt?” And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshipped Him, saying, “Truly You are the Son of God.”
-Matthew 14:27-32

Even if your faith fails, His faithfulness won’t. Trust His faithfulness...& jump ship!


  1. Ahhhhh! Thanks, Bess for the special treat. I love those "Stranger" series. I did not know that they were still making new ones. I'm so glad the Lord blessed me with a Gal Pal like you.
    Sisters in Christ,

  2. OH MY GOODNESS!!! Along time ago, I remember seeing a show with the same guy as Jesus..and then watching this, I realized it was the same show!! I LOVED it! Thank you so much for putting this on here! It made me cry! I love Jesus so much!

  3. What a wonderful and merciful God we serve! I feel so blessed to be one of your pals, my dear friend! Thank you for the sweet comments on my blog. It has been a true blessing "meeting" you! :)
    Thank you for sharing the videos! Oh, and... Congratulations on 30 posts!

    Your Sister In Christ,

  4. Thanks so much for your sweet comments, Grace, Amber, & Jenna! Amber, the first time (or more!) that I watched this I cried, too - it just got to me cause I knew (like all of us know=) what it was like to be scared & needing the comfort of a perfect God who loves you no matter what. And Jenna & Grace, I'm so glad that we could "meet" like this & find that we shared Christian sisses status (you,too, Amber)! All of you are amazing, & if anyone tells you otherwise they're lying! =) Don't believe em'!
    With Christian Love (& Happiness=),

  5. Thanks, Bess for the suweeeeet comments that you left on my blog!!! I have the book "The Little Princess"!!! It is such a great classic. That was my inspiration for writing my school composition.
    Hope this finds you have a great day.
    Sisters in Christ,


Hey! Thanks so much for stopping by Bess' Bag - I love these "little visits!" Feel free to leave your respectful insight here... =)