Sunday, September 14, 2014

My Blog {Short} Story

Bess' Blog {2 Year Anniversary}

I first stumbled upon some sweet inspiring blogs once upon a time way back in early 2010ish. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d ever start up one of my own. However, on February 15, 2010, I did just that & launched Bess’ Bag out into this crazy world wide web space. One of my New Year’s resolutions back then {2010} was to encourage girls in their Christian walk & I thought a blog would be a nifty way to reach lots of young women from all over. It’s been almost 5 years {& 597 posts} & my favorite part of being a blogger is still sharing my stories/ideas & connecting with my readers.  Thank you for being one of those readers!

1 comment:

  1. 597 posts! That's impressive!

    I'm so thankful I discovered your blog. Your words are such an encouragement to me.




Hey! Thanks so much for stopping by Bess' Bag - I love these "little visits!" Feel free to leave your respectful insight here... =)